Choice of repairer car insurance
Why the right to choose your panel beater is so important

What are ‘choice of repairer’ clauses in car insurance policies?
Securing yourself with car insurance with choice-of-repairer options is the best way to manage the costs and quality of your smash repairs. But how do you know if you’ve got that freedom?
When it comes to getting your vehicle repaired, your car insurance policy will contain a clause that outlines one of the following:
- Preferred repairer. Your insurance company is allied with panel beaters that repair a high volume of vehicles, keeping costs down for all parties.
- Choice of repairer. Your insurance company allows you to choose who repairs your vehicle in the event of an accident, allowing you to find the best possible service.
Insurance companies want to reduce their overheads by pushing through repairs quickly. They remove the freedom to choose your own repairer by making 'preferred repairer' the default option. Another sneaky tactic is to word the policy as having 'choice of preferred repairer', giving you the illusion of choice by limiting you to their partner repairers.
In the end, it should be your choice. You should decide the best choice of repairer for your smashed vehicle, not your insurer.

If your car insurance provider allows you to choose your own repairer, you are in luck. You can have your vehicle repaired at one of Sheen's handy locations around Melbourne. Our expert panel beaters use parts exclusively from your vehicle’s original manufacturer and employ cutting-edge technology to ensure safe, lasting repairs.
Better yet, if your vehicle insurance policy doesn’t include a hire car, we can give you an accident replacement vehicle to help you get back on the road sooner. It’s our commitment to being a specialist repairer.
Find your insurance provider
Below are some of the most popular insurance providers we work with. If yours isn’t there, call us. We can still help!
Claims process
Here's how we make the process easier. Remember to call Sheen first to get started.
Contact us
Get in touch with Sheen, and we’ll arrange a quote for your insurance provider to authorise.
Pick up
We’ll come to pick up your vehicle and deliver it to a Sheen workshop near you.
Replacement vehicle
We can offer you a replacement vehicle if your insurance company doesn’t provide one.
Drop off
We can deliver your repaired vehicle to you, and pick up our replacement vehicle.
frequently asked questions about insurance
Unfortunately, we cannot advise you on choosing between insurance providers. We can only advise you to find a policy that allows you to choose your own repair service. This will enable you to get the best quality repairs and professional advice.
If you are unsure whether you are a 'preferred repairer' or 'choice of repairer' customer, read the Product Disclosure Statement for your policy or call your car insurer. If it’s unclear, we suggest contacting your insurance broker to find out directly.
If you don’t have insurance, you can still call Sheen first to get the repair process underway. Regardless of your insurance policy, we offer a lifetime guarantee on all panel-beating jobs.
Upload your smash to get started with Sheen
By uploading photos of your smash, Sheen can help you get back on the road sooner. Using the photos you provide, we can get started on preparing an accurate quote for smash repairs.