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The collision repairs industry is large and dynamic, with a great deal of career opportunities. If you're interested in a career as a panel beater, Sheen Panel Service is the best place to do your apprenticeship.
What is a panel beater?
Panel beaters, also called smash repairers, are people who repair cars and other vehicles after a collision. A panel beater can return your car to its pre-accident condition.
The panel beating process involves removing, repairing and replacing damaged panels, as well as spray painting, chassis alignment, and refitting body hardware.
What do panel beaters do?

There is a huge amount of work that goes into repairing a vehicle after an accident. Cars are more complex and carry more technology than ever before, so repairing them requires expert training and processes.
The tasks involved in panel beating include:
- Removing, repairing, and replacing damaged panels
- Repairing dents and scratches with specialty fillers
- Filing and sanding the bodywork to ensure a smooth finish
- Replacing damaged parts with genuine parts from the vehicle manufacturer
- Installing body hardware such as door locks and sensors
- Realigning the chassis and body frame
- Repainting the vehicle and matching the original colour
Panel beaters are experts in a wide range of tasks needed to return a vehicle to its pre-crash condition.
What qualifications do panel beaters need?
To become a panel beater, you need to complete a Certificate in Automotive Body Repair Technology as well as an apprenticeship. Training and qualification can take up to three years.
If you're interested in becoming a panel beater, Sheen is the best place to do your apprenticeship. We use the latest and greatest panel beating technology and processes, and we provide training through industry leaders I-CAR. Get your career started on the right foot with Sheen.
How to find a good panel beater
Whether your vehicle is a business asset or just for personal use, it's an important and valuable possession. So you need to choose high-quality panel beaters that you can trust. So how do you know what makes a good panel beater?
Firstly you should make sure your panel beater is a member of the Victorian Automobile Chamber of Commerce (VACC). This is the leading authority in the panel beating industry, and membership indicates that a panel beater is reputable.
Next, you need to make sure that the panel beaters use the best repair tools and process. I-CAR is the industry-leading training provider for the smash repairs industry, so always look for panel beaters with I-CAR certification.
At Sheen Panel Service, all of our locations across Victoria are VACC members and I-CAR certified, so you can always trust a Sheen panel beater.
Choose Sheen Panel Service
Whether you need smash repairs for your vehicle or you're thinking of a career in panel beating, choose Sheen. We have the best equipment, technology, and training in the industry.